Use this form to show they have adequate means of financial support and are not likely to rely on the US government for financial support. If you have a joint sponsor, they must also complete Form I864.We only deem a sponsor's resources to an alien if the sponsor completed the I-864 or I 864-A. Deeming resources is time limited for state funded benefits. Completing and signing Form I-864 makes you the sponsor. You, the sponsor (petitioner), and the joint sponsor must complete Form I-864. See tips for completing Form I-864. The sponsor will need to file Form I-864P, which is used to determine the minimum income requirement needed to file Form I-864 (the Affidavit of Support). Line-by-line guidance for properly filling out USCIS's I-864 Affidavit of Support to sponsor an immigrating family member. By signing Form I-864EZ, you are agreeing to use your income and resources to support the intending immigrant named in this affidavit, if it becomes necessary.