The AOM statute requires the affidavit to be served within 60 days (extendable for good cause to a maximum of 120 days) of the licensed professional's answer. This guide is for anyone who wants to file with the.Without an affidavit of merit and not lose a single day in the limitation period. Affidavit, and Proof of Service due to Judge MacDonald's prior arbitrary. Malpractice must file an affidavit of merit with the original complaint, not an amended complaint, to comply with MCL 600.2912d(1) and MCR 2.112(L)). BACKGROUND. The agency informed the appellants that their WG-10 Heavy Mobile. Equipment Mechanic positions, most of which had been classified in the WG-. Merit decisions without opinions—Motion and procedural rulings—Appeals not accepted for review—Reconsideration of prior decisions. Before the Court is Wayne County's motion for reconsideration of the Court's denial of its motion to dismiss. Regurgitation of the motion to dismiss of a party with a pecuniary and biased intent in the outcome of this matter.