You have been asked to apply to the Wayne Behavioral Health Network's Single Point of Access. The Local Governmental Units and Single Point of Access work together to help provide mental health services to Wayne County.Applicants should complete the application in full. The official home page of the New York State Unified Court System. If you need help for yourself or a loved-one, our no-cost programs tackle the symptoms and causes of alcohol and drug dependence. These forms are not a substitute for legal advice and if you have difficulty filling out these forms, then you may wish to consult with an attorney. This is because alcohol is legal to drink and drinking it in front of your child is not a reason for loss of custody or parenting time. 1: Are you eligible to be married in Indiana? Prohibition couldn't have happened without Wheeler, who foisted temperance on a thirsty nation 90 years ago. People in eligible low-income households can obtain more nutritious diets with SNAP increasing their food purchasing power at grocery stores and supermarkets.