While Arizona has determined that child support is mandatory when parents get divorced or legally separated, not all states require it. Learn how Arizona's child support guidelines work, including how to calculate support, collect support payments, and change your existing support order.Complete one of the following application forms: Follow the instructions on the application and provide as much information and as many documents as possible. One of the spouses may be required to pay temporary spousal maintenance or alimony when the judge grants a divorce. After a marriage has ended, one spouse may give the other spouse spousal maintenance in the form of money. Besides alimony, the sheer volume of court forms surrounding legal filings in a divorce is astonishing. The DCSS cannot require a custodial parent to accept a settlement offer. When divorcing couples have minor children, frequently the amount of child support is an issue in the divorce. Buy Tennessee Divorce, Alimony, and Child Custody with Forms, Second Revised ed. (Vol. This is not applicable in Tennessee.