(2) The parties shall meet and confer at least 5 days before the date a motion to strike must be filed. Any party, within the time allowed to respond to a pleading may serve and file a notice of motion to strike the whole or any part thereof.In California family law, motions to strike are generally filed to request the court to remove certain parts of the opposing party's pleadings. The notice must specify a hearing date, The filing of a notice of motion to strike an answer or complaint does not extend the time within which to demur. This guide contains generic forms and instructions for filing a typical motion, opposition, or reply in California state court. This Note discusses grounds for bringing a motion to strike, drafting requirements such as the notice of motion and memorandum of points and authorities. Print the Notice of Electronic filing. This is the verification that the document has been electronically filed. For further discussion on motions to strike, see California Civil Procedure Before Trial chapter 24. This video describes the grounds and general procedures to file a motion to strike a complaint in a Connecticut civil lawsuit.