Unlike many other states, Arizona law doesn't break out alimony into different types, based on the duration and purpose of the payments. Explaining Arizona's specific alimony process and how this could effect your divorce and financial eligibility.Who qualifies for alimony in Arizona? What Are The Three Types of Spousal Maintenance in Arizona? After completing the Spousal Maintenance Calculator, print out the Spousal Maintenance Worksheet in order to file it with your other paperwork. When couples in Arizona file for divorce, either spouse may request the court issue an order for Spousal Maintenance or Spousal Support. Arizona law provides judges with a list of computation factors to help determine alimony payments on a case-by-case basis. Spousal maintenance is a term interchangeable with alimony in Arizona. Many have questions related to qualification and payments. Spousal Support, Spousal Maintenance, or Alimony in Arizona.