The names and addresses of the decedent's husband or wife, children, and grandchildren. I am the surviving spouse of the decedent and 30 days has not passed since the date of death.You'll receive an email within 24 hours explaining what documents are needed to complete your claim. Typically, we require: A copy of the death certificate. If the Decedent had a spouse (husband or wife) and no children, the spouse receives everything. An affidavit of heirship is a legal document frequently utilized in the NYC probate process to ascertain the heirs of a deceased individual. An affidavit of heirship is a legal document frequently utilized in the probate process to ascertain the heirs of a deceased individual. This can be especially helpful when there is a surviving spouse named to the title of homes and real estate. 208 Likes, 34 Comments. Breaking crime news, cold cases, missing people, and more from Nancy Grace.