Child support and spousal support are handled in Family Court. The judge will begin the determination of alimony amount with one of two statutory formulas depending on whether or not child support will also be paid.A support petition is a form that tells both your husband (the respondent) and the Judge what you (the petitioner) want. Provided the noncustodial parent pays, the full amount of child support income is distributed to custodial parents, unless they are receiving cash assistance. Our experienced NYC child support attorneys can assist parents who need help understanding child support laws. In determining financial need the court will apply a mathematical formula found in New York's "mandatory temporary maintenance guidelines. Need Help With Child Support Payments? Issues to resolve in a divorce include: Property division; Distributing joint assets; Spousal support or alimony; Child custody; Child support; Visitation. In October of 2012, New York introduced a formula to calculate temporary maintenance. Therefore, the first step in calculating maintenance in New York is determining your and your spouse's income.