All California courts use the same basic set of forms for divorce. You can find the most commonly-used forms on this page.This means that you cannot modify a judgment just because you want to, there must be a compelling reason for the court to do so. A) The Monterey Superior Court Online Self-Help Center has PDF forms that you can fill out on your computer and also has example forms for your use. The best way to handle the modification if you're getting divorced is to apply once the divorce is final. This guide is intended to be a roadmap that will give you a preview of expectations and mistakes to avoid. Here are 10 basic steps to the divorce process. Learn how to modify child custody in California, including the requirements, process, and forms necessary, and where to find cheap, professional help. Family Court Services (FCS) provides mediation and investigation services to families in Orange County. This publication explains tax rules that apply if you are divorced or separated from your spouse.