Maintenance, or spousal support, is crucial when major life changes occur within family dynamics. Use our California maintenance calculator.You should keep in mind that this free online calculator only considers employment income and can only do simple calculations. Use this free calculator to calculate spousal support according to the Canadian Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines, as well as child support (if applicable). Click Calculate to get your results. Calculate. Fill out the contact form or call us at (310) 6911729 or (310) 5267249 to schedule your complimentary consultation. 01. Reach out to our office today to find out how our experienced and dedicated Ontario spousal support lawyers can help with your alimony issues. In this article we are going to discuss the calculation of temporary spousal support (also called alimony) in the middle of a divorce case. A support order made in a Canadian reciprocating jurisdiction must be registered for enforcement in the Ontario court. Spousal Support Ontario - Calculator Two Methods.