They help calculate appropriate spousal support amounts, whether for court orders or for outofcourt settlements and agreements. Learn about how to pay and receive child and spousal support payments when one person lives outside of Ontario.You can use Spousal, Partner, or Family Support Order Attachment (form FL-343) to write out the details of your agreement. There are three ways to set up spousal support: You can set up spousal support through a separation agreement without needing to go to court. I am using a Canadian Lawyer. And he has confirmed that Canadian Alimony recipient does not owe any taxes in US or Canada, as per US Canada treaty. Fill out the form below to begin your free consultation with one of our experienced lawyers or call us at (905) 581-7222. The application for spousal support must be made within one year of separating. If your application deals with spousal support or partner support, you should read this booklet before starting to fill out your court forms. Visit the Government of Canada's child support table lookup to find the base amount of child support.