They are offering me the option to enter into mediation if I feel like I should deserve more. Before a final divorce decree forced me to sell my home and catering facility, I applied for a loan modification.You may need to send copies of canceled checks to show expenses you have paid, such as divorce settlement, child support, or other required expenses. Wells Fargo has a reputation as one of the most difficult banks to deal with when applying for a loan modification. You can certainly sue Wells Fargo for what you interpret to be bad business practices. Consumer fraud is a viable action against a bank holding a mortgage. You would need to file in the county where the group is located, and you can also contact their county bar association to file a grievance. Under the terms of the Settlement Agreement, Nichols had until July 21, 2019 to submit a complete loan modification application to Wells Fargo. My ex-spouse and I had a loan with Wells Fargo. Wells fargo allow my ex to modify the loan with out a quit claim or my signature on the modifiction papers.