Official Forms for Viewing and Downloading. Contra Costa County Affidavit of Surviving Spouse Form.Fill in the blank form formatted to comply with all recording and content requirements. The following is a list of some documents that may be recorded if they meet all requirements, and a description or definition of each document. Succeeding to Community Property (California Probate Code Section 13540). Forms ; DE-120, Notice of Hearing-Decedents Estate or Trust ; DE-121, Notice of Petition to Administer Estate ; DE-131, Proof of Subscribing Witness. The surviving spouse files an affidavit (a statement of facts, made under oath), along with an official copy of the death certificate, at the recording office. Information needed to complete each form section. Any deadlines associated with each form filling timeline if a deadline exists. Contra Costa County BOE-502-A Cal Assessor e-Forms.