Forms ; FL-305, Temporary Orders ; FL-311, Child Custody And Visitation Application Attachment ; FL-312, Request for Child Abduction Prevention Orders. If you need assistance in completing forms to establish parentage, obtain child support, collect child support arrears or modify existing child support orders,You need at attorney immediately. 1 Video chat available Monday through Friday 8 am to pm. If you pay child support, your support payments should be made directly to the State Disbursement Unit at PO 8500, Tallahassee, FL 32314-8500. Flexible expenses: Utilities(home phone,cell,power,water,gas). Misc(groceries,gas,laundry). Complete the fields below and press calculate to estimate alimony. The figures presented are based on legal California alimony guidelines. Answers parents' questions about international child support cases, and international parental abduction. How can I get child support when the person owing support lives in a Hague Convention country or a Foreign Reciprocating Country?