If payment is not received in 10 days, the Court will strike the filing. How do I e-file a motion to file a document conditionally under seal?Grounds for demurrer or motion to strike are premature. Motion to Strike Late Filed Amended Pleading. This HowTo Guide addresses the steps for filing and serving motions in general civil cases in Contra Costa County Superior Court. Request for Judicial Notice Defendant requests judicial notice of pleadings from Contra Costa County Superior Court case number C17‐00462. 3 On September 9, Fanaro moved to strike the County defendants' Reply because it was filed one day late. Time of filing of the issue conference statement, a settlement statement in the form and content described in Local Rule 8 (B) (1). The Civil Unit's mission is to receive, document, prepare, and execute all civil processes in a professional and timely manner. A Guide to Resources in the Law Library.