The following calculator provides an estimate of a potential alimony award in the State of Utah. This free online alimony calculation tool determines if and how much alimony will be paid in your divorce situation.Accurately estimate your alimony payments in Utah with our easy-to-use alimony calculator. Make informed financial decisions tailored to your situation. There are numerous factors involved in the Utah alimony calculator. To obtain a free alimony calculation , please click here and fill in the data in the fields to the right of the page. Learn how alimony is calculated in Utah, what judges consider when deciding spousal support awards, and how to get alimony payments changed. While Utah doesn't have an official alimony calculator, it does provide guidelines that courts use as a basis for alimony calculations. Alimony, sometimes referred to as spousal support, is the court-ordered money that one party pays to the other party for support while they are separated. Utah child support can be tricky to calculate, especially if one parent has been a "stay-at-home" parent.