There is a free online child support calculator that figures out how much support a parent needs to pay. Can alimony types be combined in a spousal support agreement?Under what circumstances can permanent alimony be awarded? Go to court and file a petition for a modification in child support or alimony support. Alimony, also known as spousal support, can be one of the most complex financial matters in a California divorce. If there is a child of the marriage, the noncustodial parent can expect to pay child support to the custodial parent in the case of divorce. While child and spousal support are separate orders, they impact each other. The California Court of Appeal ruled that another part of the Family Code, section 2010, allows for job contacts in any type of support case. The support amount varies depending upon many factors, each situation is different. If he gave up his parenting time, child support should be raised, not decreased.