For guidance in using this calculator, please see the JFS 07766 Ohio Child Support Guideline Manual. Divorce lawyer in a Cincinnati firm acting as an attorney in family law, child support, separation, alimony and criminal cases.Access child support case information, make or receive electronic payments, contact your child support worker and find your local child support center. At Cathy R. Cook, Attorneys at Law, we are experienced Cincinnati child support lawyers. Personalized, empathetic legal support for your family's needs. If you are preparing for a divorce, here is a brief overview of the laws that apply to calculating child support and spousal support in Ohio. In Ohio, the state uses a pre-set formula to calculate child support obligations. Family law courts will only deviate from the formula in narrow circumstances. Whether seeking a decrease or increase in child support, a motion must be filed with the Court to get the process started. Have you or your ex filed for bankruptcy?