There is a free online child support calculator that figures out how much support a parent needs to pay. The Court considers 3 key questions when it decides if you or your spouse should get spousal support.How long were you married? No information is available for this page. The question of whether you will need to pay alimony in addition to child support depends on your circumstances as presented to the court. Courts may award spousal support to either spouse upon the request of either party in an action for divorce or legal separation. California law mandates that you put your kids' best interests first. Your case may be eligible to be transferred to a child support enforcement agency (CSEA) in another county, depending on specific facts and circumstances. Ohio's child support law updates will change payments are calculated, which means your payments may go up or down in the next nine months. California Family Code Section 3900 sets forth the obligation of parents to support minor children, in a manner suitable to the child's circumstances.