Spousal support (also known as alimony) is a court ordered payment from one spouse or domestic partner to help cover the other's monthly expenses. An indepth look at how child support is calculated in California, including the formula, factors, and legal nuances.This article is intended to alleviate some of the anxiety that can be created regarding the potential of paying spousal maintenance. This article discusses registering other states' custody and support orders in Texas so that Texas courts can change and enforce them. The Court can order support payments for one spouse after the divorce is final but only if that spouse shows entitlement to "spousal maintenance." Yes, you can file for spousal support in California even if your divorce is ongoing in India. California courts can grant temporary spousal support. Org to obtain these services. You can apply for services using the Child Support Interactive online application. In 2017, the Texas Supreme Court approved forms for an agreed divorce without real property or minor children.