These forms mean you have a court date. How to pay support Pay support on time When a judge orders spousal support, they order a date when payments must start.You must pay beginning on that date. Spousal support and child support are often ordered together in a divorce. Today we're going to talk about the dissomaster computer program that courts used to calculate temporary spousal support. In the Petition you ask for various relief, such as division of community property, spousal support, child custody and child support. Use the alimony calculator from Sterling Lawyers to estimate spousal maintenance in Wisconsin in divorce or separation during 2024. Use the alimony calculator below to estimate spousal maintenance in Wisconsin. If you need an attorney, please contact the Fairfax County Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service at 703-246-3780. Alimony and child support are both financial awards a judge can order one spouse to pay in a California divorce case.