Call us in Fairfax today at 703-239-4921. The Fairfax County, Virginia, child and spousal support attorneys of Arquilla Law will help you get a fair support agreement that meets your needs.Spousal Support;. 2. Unlike in the case of child support, judges do not use a formula when determining spousal support. Our compassionate family law attorneys in Fairfax, VA, are here to offer you expert guidance through the complexities of divorce and spousal support. Spousal support is a form of monetary support paid to the more financially dependent spouse and is based on a number of factors. No right or entitlement to spousal support in Virginia. Adjustments for spousal support payments. If a party is not paying or receiving spousal support, insert "none" in the appropriate column(s). There is a statutory formula used to determine the amount of child support the payor parent will pay to the payee parent each month.