The child support application for services is available on this Web site. Alimony in Florida: Florida Alimony Law FAQs.What are Frequently Asked Questions for Alimony in FL? Follow the instructions below to collect child support or alimony from any member of the military, military retiree, or civilian employee. When one or both parents move to a new state, an existing child support order may still need to be enforced, or the move may create grounds for a modification. Learn about the types of alimony available in Florida and how judges decide which type to award, how much the payments should be, and how long they'll last. Florida has jurisdiction over a divorce when one spouse has been a resident of Florida for at least 6 months prior to filing the petition. Courts are not required to award spousal support or alimony during a divorce. Spouses may agree to alimony payments in a separate settlement agreement. They can mix-and-match in a way that's fair to both spouses, including ordering a lump-sum alimony payment, periodic payments, or a mix of both. (Fla. Stat.