This Pennsylvania alimony calculator calculates Pennsylvania maintenance using Pennsylvania alimony formula. The following forms can be printed and submitted to your county DRS.Read the descriptions to determine which forms are appropriate for your needs. The LLF Law Firm Family Law Team helps families throughout Pennsylvania navigate issues, including child and spousal support. Learn about your options, responsibilities, rights, and how to apply for services. Self-Service. Find out how alimony is calculated in Pennsylvania and what factors the court considers when deciding spousal support awards. An overview of how child and spousal support works in Philadelphia County, PA, how to file for support and how it is allocated. The Child Support and Credit Worksheets are an Excel document that uses automated calculations to simplify completing them. Residency — Medical Assistance is available to individuals who are residents of Pennsylvania if all other eligibility requirements are met. Please be sure to replace the default values presented here with your own values before you calculate!