The name and address of the other parent. ❑STEP 1 : Fill out the Petition for Modification of Child Support.This forms packet is designed to guide you as you prepare your Complaint to Modify. Review the paperwork process to file for divorce. This is the form packet for people who want to file their own divorce, and who do have minor children (under 18 years old) together with their spouse. You will have to go through a 30 day status conference, 60 day and so on and possibly be ordered to attend mediation. You could also file a motion to modify the divorce decree under certain circumstances for court orders related to alimony and child support. A Georgia court will always consider a custody modification if a custodial parent plans to move to a new residence. Most Fulton County divorce modification cases that we see involve changes to child custody or child support terms. The Review and Adjustment process can take several months to complete from the initial request to final order.