Calculate alimony quickly and accurately with our state-specific alimony calculators. Get an estimate based on your state's guidelines for free.This California alimony calculator calculates California maintenance using the California county alimony formulas. Get an estimate for alimony payments and duration. Get an idea on how much money a month you can expect to pay, and for how you can expect to pay it. Learn about the types of alimony available in Georgia, how it's calculated, and the factors courts consider when awarding spousal support. The following calculator provides an estimate of a potential alimony award in the State of Georgia. The AMD Alimony Estimator generates a reality-based alimony estimate. Our Georgia Alimony Calculator helps provide an estimate of the spousal maintenance you might receive or be required to pay based on your unique circumstances. Alimony calculations in California can get complex, but understanding it can help you plan your finances.