In Georgia, alimony is not a right, but it can be appropriate in certain situations and awarded over time or in one lump sum after a divorce settlement. Step 1: Open a child support case Step 2: Locate the noncustodial parent (NCP) Step 3: Establish paternity Step 4: File a support order Step 5: Set-up paymentIt is important that you protect your right to seek a modification of your child support or periodic alimony payments after your divorce is over. Information on spousal support and alimony laws in Georgia including how to calculate alimony payments, modifications and how long alimony is to be paid. Easy to understand legal information on child support and alimony in Georgia. While alimony is paid for the spouse's benefit, child support is paid for the benefit of any children in the marriage. Learn about the types of alimony available in Georgia, how it's calculated, and the factors courts consider when awarding spousal support. Adjusted, One Child, Two Children, Three Children, Four Children, Five Children, Six Children. In Georgia, there is no formula or calculation for determining alimony. The court will weigh out the parties' "needs" vs.