Apply online or print, fill out, and mail in one of the application packets below. Step 3: The person receiving child support (or his or her attorney) is responsible for completing the federal form "Income Withholding Notice".The exact conditions of a divorce settlement will greatly influence how child support will affect one's taxes. In the blanks provided, enter the name of the custodial parent who receives child support payments. Welcome to the Georgia Child Support Commission Website​​ Next click Login, and then click the Worksheet drop-down to create a new worksheet and folder. STEP 2: Fill out the Verification form to go with the Petition. Child Support in Georgia is calculated using the Child Support Worksheet. What is New Hire Reporting? Fill in the blanks at the top of the worksheet page to identify the Court, County and Civil Action Case Number (if. The Child Support Worksheet and Schedule E are attached and made a part of this addendum, along with any other applicable schedules.