Courts may award spousal support to either spouse upon the request of either party in an action for divorce or legal separation. Your case may be eligible to be transferred to a child support enforcement agency (CSEA) in another county, depending on specific facts and circumstances.If you are preparing for a divorce, here is a brief overview of the laws that apply to calculating child support and spousal support in Ohio. Below is a summary of spousal support in Ohio which should help inform your decisionmaking as you agree on whether and how much spousal support is appropriate. In Ohio, the state uses a pre-set formula to calculate child support obligations. Family law courts will only deviate from the formula in narrow circumstances. Find out how child support is calculated in Ohio, when judges might deviate from Ohio's guidelines, and how those payments can be modified. There are no statewide guidelines for Ohio Spousal Support as there are for child support. Contact your local CSEA and request an Application for Services or print from the link above and complete the form. The Obligor is ordered to pay child support to the Obligee in a monthly amount.