14.04, Motion to Strike, Sever, or Try Separately ; 14.05, Third-Party Defendant's Claim against a Nonparty ; 14.06, When a Plaintiff May Bring in a Third Party. Judgment as a Matter of Law in Jury Trials; Alternative Motion for New Trial;.Conditional Rulings. All trials must be in the district court. This Guidebook is intended to be an informative and practical resource for understanding the basic procedures of the Court. Below are the most commonly used forms in the District Court of the District of Minnesota. For additional forms, please visit the forms library. A juror qualification form is enclosed with the jury summons. A brief, enlightening foray into the most universally despised of our civic duties: jury duty. All rulings and decisions will be subsequently placed on the record outside the hearing of the jury but in the presence of the Defendant.