For purposes of this document, you must list ALL RELATIVES of the decedent, including yourself, if applicable. A list of required documents needed to transfer ownership of a motor vehicle or mobile home titled in Florida if the owner(s) are deceased.I am the surviving spouse of the decedent and 30 days has not passed since the date of death. Office Closures: Our offices will close on January 1st for the New Year's Day. If applicant is a funeral director or an attorney, see additional information under Eligibility on back of this form to ensure proper completion of this. That there is no surviving spouse of the Decedent, that the Affiant is the surviving. If you want to transfer a car title in Florida after someone dies, then you need to provide various documents and meet specific requirements. After that period expires, Florida law does not permit the county property appraiser to accept an application for that calendar year. Any person of legal age (18 or over) may apply for a certified copy of a death record without the cause of death. How do I obtain a new motor vehicle title if my deceased spouse is listed on the title?