Apply online using the link below. MyChildSupport Customer Service Portal.Learn how child support is calculated in Virginia, when judges may depart from the guidelines, how to change or enforce child support orders, and more. This article discusses registering other states' custody and support orders in Texas so that Texas courts can change and enforce them. Spouses pay alimony, or spousal support, only when one spouse can show a need for financial help. The child support application for services is available on this Web site. Learn about the types of alimony available in Virginia, how it's calculated, and the factors courts consider when awarding spousal support. You can seek a child support order for any and all children who live with you, whether you are married or unmarried. The Family Lawyer can help with transferring your child support order from Virginia to Texas and petitioning for an increase in payment. You can apply for services using the Child Support Interactive online application.