How can you enforce or modify a child support order from another state in an Illinois court? In Illinois, there are specific laws and procedures in place to handle outofstate child support cases.Learn about the kinds of spousal support in California, how judges decide the amount and duration of alimony, and whether you can change the award later. Start with paperwork. If the order includes child support, the money gets sent to the California State Disbursement Unit (SDU). It's definitely better to have the judge say, "Gross income" or "Post-tax income," so you're sure. Illinois Divorce, Child Support, and Maintenance Forms (Illinois Courts). Is maintenance and child support calculated based on gross income or net income of each individual in Illinois? A DuPage County, IL divorce attorney can help you determine whether child support and alimony will be a part of your divorce agreement. You should also receive a reasonably substantial child support figure.