Complete the on-line application for free child support services if you live in Illinois and the dependent child(ren) lives with you. Download and complete Divorce, Child Support, and Maintenance forms from the Illinois Office of the Courts.In Illinois, there are new statutory guidelines for the court to consider in calculating child support. Child Support and Alimony in Illinois. The answer to that is that you don't get locked into a set child support or maintenance payment in an Illinois divorce where there are bonuses. One way to get child support is to ask a judge to order the other parent to pay child support. In Illinois there are five main types of alimony or spousal support; temporary, fixedterm, reviewable, permanent, and lumpsum. How Is Child Support Calculated in Illinois? Types of Spousal Support in Illinois. A DuPage County, IL divorce attorney can help you determine whether child support and alimony will be a part of your divorce agreement.