Alimony Laws in IL determine spousal support based on marriage length, income disparity, and ability to be self-sufficient. Spousal maintenance is not automatically granted in Illinois divorce cases, and it will typically only be awarded if a spouse can demonstrate a financial need.Learn about the types of alimony available in Illinois, how it's calculated, and the factors courts consider when awarding spousal maintenance. Download and complete Divorce, Child Support, and Maintenance forms from the Illinois Office of the Courts. Categorized as Illinois Divorce, Spousal Support. As soon as you Once you file for Dissolution of Marriage, you can request spousal support. If the marriage was 20 or more years, the court will order spousal support for a time equal to the marriage length, or indefinitely. In Illinois there are five main types of alimony or spousal support; temporary, fixedterm, reviewable, permanent, and lumpsum. What Is Spousal Maintenance? 504. Maintenance. (a) Entitlement to maintenance.