A judge can make one spouse pay the other spouse money on an ongoing basis after a divorce. This is called " maintenance .Alimony Laws in IL determine spousal support based on marriage length, income disparity, and ability to be self-sufficient. Spousal maintenance issue in Aurora, Illinois, or nearby? Call Kendall County lawyer Matthew M. Williams, P.C. for an initial consultation at 630-409-8184. Find out how your case is registered with the Family Responsibility Office (FRO) to help you pay and receive support. CLEO's Family Law Guided Pathways are a series of online interviews that help you fill out the court forms you need for family law matters. Known more commonly as "palimony", this functions like traditional alimony where one party pays support payments to another after the end of a relationship. For temporary spousal support, the judge may order it when the divorce is ongoing. Alimony, also called aliment (Scotland), maintenance spousal support (U.