The names and addresses of the decedent's husband or wife, children, and grandchildren. How to fill out the Affidavit for Surviving Spouse or Next of Kin?If you have a surviving spouse, they are often first in line to inherit your estate if you die without a will. Next of kin is usually defined as a person's closest living relative: it's someone who may have inheritance rights and obligations. NOTE: The purpose of this guide is to help you settle the affairs of the deceased employee and to inform you of the benefits to which you may be entitled. I acknowledge and understand that Next of Kin includes the following surviving individuals: 1. If you have not already done so, please submit this document with the Death Certificate. 1. Complete and file Form One, Affidavit of Surviving Spouse. Your next of kin may extend further down your bloodline if you have no surviving spouse or living children. I represent that I am the decedent's: (check one).