This page will help you calculate the figures a New York judge would consider in determining how much should be paid in maintenance and child support. Alimony and child support are both based on income, but there are other factors.Click here to learn more. Worksheets to calculate guideline amounts of maintenance and child support. Optional tools to help with calculations are below. The formula uses the parties' incomes and salary, as well as whether or not child support is being paid to perform a calculation. The amount you get depends on what the father's income is, what your income is, how many children you have together, and what your children's basic needs are. Calculating Debt Payoff. If you have unpaid child support debt, you can figure out how long it will take to pay it off with our Arrears Payoff Calculator. If you are going through a divorce in New York, one question you may be asking is how to calculate alimony.