Wells Fargo is involved in multiple regulatory remediation payouts currently, your mortgage loan seems to fit the timeline of those affected. Then complete, sign, and submit any required documentation and we'll get back to you within 30 days.Call 1-800-678-7986 to get started. There is no law that I am aware of that will cause Wells Fargo to remove your name as a comaker or cosignor on a mortgage note. You may need to send copies of canceled checks to show expenses you have paid, such as divorce settlement, child support, or other required expenses. This free program will help you fill out the papers that you will need to file in Family Court. Customer: My girlfriend's exhusband was awarded a Wells Fargo account in the divorce. A year later, he has stopped making payments. This case arises out of a dispute between Kristina Lee Struble Brush and Wells Fargo Bank, NA over a mortgage loan that Mrs. My ex-spouse and I had a loan with Wells Fargo.