This overview provides lawyers with foundational information on when and how to file a motion to strike. Motion to strike is basically when there's something in the pleading that's false.A Motion to Strike can remove pleas, statements, and evidence from judicial proceedings in a lawsuit. A motion to strike is a request to a judge that part of a party's pleading or a piece of evidence be removed from the record. Our motion attacks the appropriateness of the other party. A statement isn't literally deleted from the record when the judge strikes an answer. It means the person filing the motion asserts that the item to be stricken from the clerk's file is somehow improper. Only on very rare occasions is a motion to strike appropriate, such as when an entire brief or 56.1 Statement is defective. This video describes the grounds and general procedures to file a motion to strike a complaint in a Connecticut civil lawsuit. File a response to the motion to strike.