The court will ask for copies of the most recent tax returns, pay stubs, and a completed Financial Disclosure Affidavit. In New York, alimony is still tax-deductible for the payor and tax-includable for the recipient.Step 1: Complete the taxpayer information section. The Law Department assists local and out-of-state custodial parents in establishing an order of support from non-custodial parents. When you calculate your gross income to see whether you're required to file a tax return, include these alimony payments. Florida tax lawyer Mary E. King can help you resolve your alimony and tax issues. For more information, contact us at 941-906-7585. In South Carolina, if an individual is divorced at some point in the calendar year, they are considered divorced for the entirety of that year. This is essential to consider because tax forms are the first place to look when deciphering a business owner's income. Never married, divorce not started or common law.