Child Support Forms ; 4-3a. Petition (Commissioner).I,. (print or type name), have carefully read this Child Support. The Law Department assists local and out-of-state custodial parents in establishing an order of support from non-custodial parents. Submit this completed form and supporting documents to the address for each local child support office from which you are requesting a review. For direct deposit into your savings or checking account, you can complete, sign, and return the form at The IWO is the OMBapproved form (PDF) used for income withholding in tribal, intrastate, and interstate cases as well as all child support orders. Note: This form also applies to some tax benefits, including the child tax credit, additional child tax credit, and credit for other dependents. Step 1: Fill out these forms. D Child custody and visitation shall be ordered as set forth in the proposed Judgment (Uniform Parentage) (form FL-250). 4.