You can set up spousal support through a separation agreement without needing to go to court. In this article we are going to discuss the calculation of temporary spousal support (also called alimony) in the middle of a divorce case.Reach out to our office today to find out how our experienced and dedicated Ontario spousal support lawyers can help with your alimony issues. In California, the court will consider 4320 factors when determining both the amount and duration of spousal support. Alimony, also called spousal support in California, is money one spouse pays to the other during and after a divorce or legal separation. For help, call the Law Office of Laurence J. Brock at 909-466-7661 or fill out our online contact form below. After the divorce judgment, the ex-spouse who receives alimony cohabitates with a non-marital partner (a same-sex partner is included in the rule). You need to speak to an attorney about this. To respond to divorce or legal separation papers (a Petition), your first step is to fill out a Response form. The 10year marriage rule in California has to do with spousal support in the case of a separation.