If you file a motion to strike, it must be in a stand-alone pleading that cannot exceed two pages. I need help with a Motion to Strike in Maricopa County Superior Court, Arizona on Defendants third motion for summary.I filed the ORIGINAL of the attached document(s) with the Clerk of the Superior Court in Maricopa County on: . Month. Date. Year. The removing party must file the state court record when the. As such, the State's Motion to Strike is denied. Find out how to submit a public records request to the MCAO Custodian of Records. 2. Response to Peoria's Motion to Dismiss at 6. ORDER granting Defendant's Motions to Strike (Docs. Plaintiff moves to strike the entire motion for summary judgment or, in the alternative, designated portions of the record. A motion to strike is a request to a judge that part of a party's pleading or a piece of evidence be removed from the record.