The following calculator provides an estimate of a potential alimony award in the State of Maryland. The Maryland Alimony Calculator is designed to offer estimations based on various input factors, such as income, length of marriage, and specific circumstances.Need to estimate alimony in Maryland? Our free calculator delivers accurate results in seconds. Learn about the types of alimony available in Maryland, how it's calculated, and the factors courts consider when awarding spousal support. Get an estimate for alimony payments and duration. Get an idea on how much money a month you can expect to pay, and for how you can expect to pay it. The calculator below can provide you with an estimate as to how a court may handle alimony. There is no alimony calculator in Maryland, and the amount and duration of alimony payments is up to the judge. A Maryland alimony calculator is a tool that can be used to estimate the amount and duration of alimony that may be awarded in a divorce case in Maryland.