To file a motion, follow the standard filing procedure. You may file a multi-part motion, such as a motion to dismiss and a motion for summary judgment.Most forms used in the District Court are contained in this index. Use the Federal Court Finder to find a federal court and their local court forms. Most Maryland court forms and brochures are available in this index. A Motion to Strike a Default Judgment is a written request, filed with the Clerk's office, asking the court to undo the default judgment. Following request in the above-referenced matter: Currently scheduled ☐ hearing ☐ trial date and time: ☐ Grounds and authorities: ☐ Request for hearing. A motion to strike must be made before a responsive pleading, if a responsive pleading is permitted. In lieu of filing an answer to the complaint, a defendant may file a motion to dismiss, which asks the Court to dismiss the case. File a Notice of Appeal in the circuit court that heard your case.