(e) Motions to Strike. Find Local Rules and Forms that provide procedures and guidelines for courts in Mecklenburg County.A Demurrer is filed to say the Complaint doesn't include all the legal requirements that the plaintiff needs to meet to win. For example, a motion to preclude asks the court to ban the testimony or evidence from being used in the case. This video describes the grounds and general procedures to file a motion to strike a complaint in a Connecticut civil lawsuit. Main a member of the American Union; that the people thereof are part of the American nation; that there is no right on the part of the stateto se-. " There was no demurrer to or motion to strike any allegation in the answer in chief or in the third further answer. Steps for filing a Motion and Notice of Motion. Fill out the following forms: Motion. This video describes the grounds and general procedures to file a motion to strike a complaint in a Connecticut civil lawsuit.