Worksheets to calculate guideline amounts of maintenance and child support. Optional tools to help with calculations are below.Basic Calculation: DETERMINE WHICH FORMULA APPLIES BY CHECKING THE BOXES BELOW: QUESTION A: Will child support be paid for childrenof the marriage? New York Alimony or Maintenance Calculator that calculates alimony or maintenance payable based on a state formula. Couples and the courts can use NYS spousal maintenance calculators to decide on the amount to be paid. This page will help you calculate the figures a New York judge would consider in determining how much should be paid in maintenance and child support. Our tool will calculate how much spousal support a judge may order. Complete the fields to calculate and estimate. All children living in the United States are entitled to child support, regardless of the citizenship or immigration status of the child or the parents. Please be sure to replace the default values presented here with your own values before you calculate!