How do I request an Arrears Payment Plan? You must file a motion with the circuit court for a payment plan (the link provides the form and instructions).If you owe a child support arrearage to the State of Michigan you may be eligible to have some or all of that arrearage discharged. If arrears are owed to the State of Michigan, I will provide notice to the Office of Child Support at least 56 days before the hearing on this matter. 9. If the parents agree to a lump sum settlement for arrears owed to the family, DCS has a forgiveness of arrears form, which the parties can sign. Use this tool to draft the form to ask the court to waive or suspend the filing fees and other costs in your case. Facing child support debt in Michigan? Can't afford past due support payment? You can fill out the form, print it, sign it, and drop it off in the drop box on the first floor of 82 Ionia Ave. NW, Grand Rapids, 49503.