How do I request an Arrears Payment Plan? You must file a motion with the circuit court for a payment plan (the link provides the form and instructions).Step 1: Prepare your forms and find out how you will file. If you owe a child support arrearage to the State of Michigan you may be eligible to have some or all of that arrearage discharged. If arrears are owed to the State of Michigan, I will provide notice to the Office of Child Support at least 56 days before the hearing on this matter. 9. If you receive child support, you can complete the Arrears Forgiveness form. The form is available in our lobby. To request forgiveness of arrears, please fill out the attached Voluntary Forgiveness Request Form. Throughout the years, the Friend of the Court office has undergone major legislative reform in order to strengthen child support and parenting time enforcement. Recommendation for support based upon the Michigan Child Support Formula in all cases, even if you are intending to opt out of Friend of the Court services.